Sunday, March 25, 2007

Reno's Rights Holland WI

There are more newspapers picking up the Reno's Rights story.
I ask you all to go to the newspaper link provided and send them your well thought out and polite response, here is mine!

"There is more of a concern for potential problems then there is for someone who has already proven by demonstrating beyond a doubt their ability to have more dogs than allowed under the current laws and still remain vigilant in their care and consideration for the neighbors.
If a laws exists which would allow more dogs than currently designated, how would that be any different than the expectations placed on someone with two dogs. The number is arbitrary, the care, up keep and training is what anyone should be looking for in a competent dog owner. Someone seeking a variance who has not displayed abilities to care for the dogs should not receive one, but someone how has proven themselves should not be punished by being grouped with and blamed for another failures.

To deny someone based on a possible problem is unfair to those who are responsible and give allowances to those who are not."

Please contact the Holmen Courier News at:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Holland WI.

Here is more information by a great trainer about Reno's Rights.

There is also rational information concerning Pit Bulls to counter the false claims that all Pit Bulls are bad!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dog food recall

Here is a link to the lastest information of the dog food recall:

Looking for food at this time becomes a difficult task with so much uncertainty.
Life's' Abundance Premium Dog and Cat food are by far the safest of products out there.
The product contains no corn or Wheat Gluten (suspect in the alfatoxin deaths) and the manufacturing of the foods follow a very strict production code demanded by the formulator of the product with quality checks done weekly.
The foods ingredients come from the same source and remains constant in the production process so bag to bag, there is no variations in the foods developed.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Reno's Story - Shame on Holland WI

Here is further information brought to light by the local newspaper!

This situation is so important to so many dog owners across the country.
Rescue groups in particular should be keenly aware and follow the outcome.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dog Laws are Bad for Our Dog! Shame on Holland, Wisconsin

Shame on Holland, Wisconsin

The never ending dog legislation are NOT sound nor safe for dog's or owners. The truth is becoming that no matter what you do right, your rights may be eliminated based on whim, certainly, not fact.

Read the below and imagine it being your dog forced from your home.
Read the below letter sent by the owner of Reno who is being forced to give up a well trained, happy and extremely loved pet because the law says if your neighbors do not want dogs near them, no matter how well trained or cared for the dogs are, you have to give them up.
Imagine Reno is your dog!

In the wake of the town board's decision not to issue a variance for the number of dogs I have, I've been preparing for each dog to go to his new home. What should the dog take with him to help settle in? What do the new owners need to know about their training and handling? What do these people need to know about the dogs' individual likes and dislikes? What their souls are like?

One of the dogs leaving is my Reno. Oh my God. Reno.

He needs his semi-deflated basket ball. A bumper of course. A cow femur bone preferably stuffed with peanut butter, but it's fine plain if that's all there is. He'd like a spot on the couch if one's available, but he'd never be rude or pushy about it.

He gives 5 with both paws individually and then "10" with both. After this, he leaps into the air, and then spins one circle and grabs his tail. He's a very mellow dog by nature, and this trick just cracks him up. It's his only one.

He barks three barks to let you know someone's arrived, and then quiets. Other than that, he never makes a noise. His obedience is terrific, on or off leash. His manners are terrific. He has the temperament of an angel. He passed his Canine Good Citizen / Therapy Dog International test as a walk in. He leaves and go lays down when you eat, although he's happy to help you out with the leftovers if invited. He looks sad when you give him a bath or trim his nails, but he always cooperates. Reno always cooperates.

He is wonderful with anyone he meets, human or animal. Any age, any temperament. He used to go to work with me at the assisted living facility. There was an old crotchety man who would only take his meds and come out for meals in exchange for being able to take Reno for a walk and throw a few bumpers for him. The only time I ever saw this man let his guard down or his expression soften was when he was with Reno. He'd been a hunter when he was younger. I guess the dog took him back to better days.

Reno loves to ride in the car. He makes the most wonderful face if you ask him about "The Bird." He likes to "tunnel" through your legs, and stop in position to get scratched above the base of his tail. His back feet march in place as he does this. He likes to be scratched behind the ears, too.

On the day he passed the final series of tests needed for the American Kennel Club to award him the title Companion Dog, he was mounted by another male dog who had gotten up during the exercise known as the three minute down. Not only did Reno not get up from his down, but he looked at me across the ring and wagged his tail as if to say, "See? I am a GOOD boy."

Yes, Reno. You're a VERY good boy.

God help me next Wednesday when he's taken out of here.

Eleanor Herrick

Holmen, Wisconsin


Look into this dogs eyes! Read about the depth of love and commitment this owner has given him. This is what owners should be doing. This type of owner should be commended for her dedication, not punished for it!
NO law, being written at this time has the best interest of the dog and owner in mind. On the surface the wording makes them seem like good laws because the true intent and depth of them is not evident beyond the initial sweet wording.
The interest they are serving are the special interest group seeking to remove dog ownership from the face of the earth. Sound unlikely and even unrealistic? It is being done one step at time one law at a time.
It happened to Reno!