Monday, January 16, 2006


There are underlying attempts by individual organization to limit and eventual remove dogs from our lives. These Animal Rights organizations have profited from emotional propaganda to get people to support their industry to the tune of billions of dollars. Now they have the funding and placed their people into the political arena to begin their swipe of dog and animal ownership.
Please review this information below and go the link provide to sign a petition against this never ending drive to control dog/pet ownership.
animal welfare has nothing at all to do with the welfare of animals. I has to do with the removal of and use of animals in our lives!
To: U.S. Congress
Whereas, S1139, and HR2669, known as the Pet Animal Welfare Act of 2005/2006 (PAWS) have nothing to do with the protection of animals, but are a usurpation of animal ownership, and use rights, and place the federal government into every private property of every animal owner in the United States of America. And whereas, the animal owner citizenry of the United States of America have written letters to our members of Congress voicing our opposition to S1139/HR2669, but have received answers that thank us for our support. And whereas, we who stand in opposition to S1139/HR2669 were not allowed to participate in the public hearings to voice our opposition. And whereas, Wayne Pacelle, of the Humane Society of the US, lied to the Senate Agriculture Committee, testifying that we who stand in opposition to S1139/HR2669 are "dogfighters". And Whereas, we the undersigned law abiding citizen animal owners have no option but to post our opposition to S1139/HR2669 to this petition on this public forum. Respectfully we stand firmly in opposition to S1139/HR2669, and further we vow with our signatures to refuse to comply with S1139/HR2669 should Congress pass them into law.
The Undersigned

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